Multiply acquisition networks to guarantee a continuous flow of leads

Today, most lead generation players focus their expertise on a single network, dedicating all their resources to this same production source. This single-network strategy poses a problem common to all players on the market today: their lead generation cannot be regular. Lead generation fluctuates due to a number of factors, different for each network.

Faced with the difficulties of the market, Yacla has chosen a radically opposite position: multiplying its acquisition networks. By using different acquisition sources, Yacla guarantees a regular volume of leads every day from different audiences.

Today, our teams operate 10 different acquisition networks, each requiring dedicated methods and expertise: Google Ads, Microsoft Ads, Yahoo Gemini, Taboola, Outbrain, Meta Ads, TikTok Ads, Pinterest Ads, Snapchat Ads, MediaGo, Teads, Zemanta. We also complete our acquisition via Mailing solutions and SMS campaigns to qualify our leads.

What's the difference between these different acquisition networks?

Each network differs in its algorithm, its audience and the different media formats you can use. Each of these factors requires specific expertise and unique working methods to ensure that your campaigns are optimized for each acquisition network you use.

Depending on the different placements or functions of each network, we have to adapt our media to different formats or concepts, so that they best meet the needs of the target audience. The more your advertising is adapted to the network, the higher the quality of the leads generated.

There are 4 advertising categories: Social Ads, Native Ads, Search Ads and Display Ads.

The various acquisition networks can offer several types of advertising, depending on the placements available, but each is generally linked to a main category.

  • Social Ads are ads placed on social networks.
  • Native Ads are advertisements designed to resemble the editorial content of the platform on which they are displayed. They are less intrusive than other ads, thanks to their integration with the platform's content.
  • Search Ads are advertisements displayed on search engines. They are responses sponsored by the network.
  • Display Ads include all other possible online advertising placements. These include news feeds, mobile applications, audio and video streaming sites, etc.

In addition to these 4 categories, we use mailing and SMS campaigns to qualify and engage the leads we provide.

Below you'll find a classification of the various networks according to the different categories of advertising they offer:

NetworkSocial AdsNative AdsSearch AdsDisplay Ads
Meta Ads
TikTok Ads
Google Ads
Microsoft Ads
Yahoo Gemini
Pinterest Ads
Snapchat Ads
Advertising categories offered by each acquisition network