How much does a Qualified Lead cost? Complete Guide by Sector

B2B Lead Provider

Qualified leads are essential to the growth of any business. However, their cost can vary considerably depending on the sector. This article explores the pricing of qualified leads in different sectors, and explains how Yacla adjusts its rates according to your customer acquisition cost (CAC) and return on investment (ROI) objectives.

Qualified Lead Prices

SectorQualified Lead Prices
Finance30 € - +350 €
B2C Insurance7 € - 45 €
B2B insurance30 € - 100 €
Real estate30 € - +350 €
B2C Telecom7 € - 50 €
B2B Telecom35 € - +180 €
Education25 € - 150 €
B2C Renovation15 € - 45 €
B2B Renovation50 € - +150 €


The financial sector is one of the most expensive when it comes to generating qualified leads. Prices range from €30 to over €350. This high cost is justified by the potential value of each lead, as financial products such as loans, credits and investments involve large sums of money.

B2C Insurance

In the personal insurance sector, the cost of qualified leads ranges from €7 to €45. This rate depends on the complexity of the insurance products and the competition on the market.

B2B insurance

For business insurance, prices rise from €30 to €100. Corporate needs are often more complex and personalized, which justifies a higher cost for each qualified lead.

Real estate

The real estate sector, similar to finance, sees prices for qualified leads ranging from €30 to over €350. As real estate transactions are high-value, each qualified lead represents a significant revenue opportunity.

B2C Telecom

Prices for qualified leads in the telecommunications sector vary from €7 to €50. The varied offers and intense competition in this sector influence these costs.

B2B Telecom

For business telecoms, costs are higher, ranging from €35 to over €180. Telecom solutions for businesses are often more specialized and require a more targeted marketing approach.


In the education sector, qualified leads cost between €25 and €150. This reflects the diversity of educational offers and the potential long-term value of each student.

B2C Renovation

For consumer renovation, prices for qualified leads range from €15 to €45. Home renovation projects are common, and costs vary according to the scope of the work.

B2B Renovation

Costs for qualified renovation leads for businesses are higher, ranging from €50 to over €150. Commercial renovation projects can be complex and large-scale, justifying higher costs.

How Yacla adjusts its rates

Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) targets

Yacla tailors its pricing to your customer acquisition cost objectives. We analyze your budget and expectations to offer you competitive prices that maximize your ROI. Working with you, we ensure that every euro spent on a qualified lead is justified by high conversion potential.

Return on Investment (ROI)

Return on investment is at the heart of our pricing strategy. We use advanced analytics to track and optimize your campaigns, ensuring that your investments generate tangible, measurable results. By adjusting our prices according to your ROI objectives, we ensure a fruitful and lasting collaboration.

Lead Generation Optimization

Targeted segmentation

Segmenting your audience allows you to target the most relevant leads, reducing costs and increasing conversion rates. Yacla uses advanced segmentation techniques to identify and attract your ideal prospects.

Marketing automation

Marketing automation optimizes lead management and reduces operational costs. Yacla integrates automation solutions to improve the efficiency of your campaigns and maximize your results.

Analysis and reporting

Tracking and analyzing performance is crucial for adjusting strategies in real time. Our reporting tools provide detailed insights to continuously improve your lead generation campaigns.

Offer customization

Personalizing offers to the specific needs of each prospect can significantly increase conversion rates. We can help you develop effective personalization strategies to attract and convert more qualified leads.


The cost of qualified leads varies according to each company's sector and specific objectives. At Yacla, we understand the importance of customizing our pricing to meet your CAC and ROI needs. By optimizing our strategies and using advanced technologies, we are committed to delivering high-quality qualified leads at competitive prices. ifs. For more information on our services, visit our pages dedicated to lead generation in different sectors:


How much does a qualified lead cost in the financial sector?
The cost ranges from €30 to over €350, depending on the complexity and value of the financial services offered.

How much does a qualified B2C insurance lead cost?
Qualified leads for B2C insurance cost between €7 and €45.

How does Yacla adjust its rates according to CAC?
Yacla adjusts its rates according to your customer acquisition cost objectives, analyzing your budget and expectations to maximize your ROI.

How much do qualified B2B telecommunications leads cost?
The cost of qualified B2B telecommunications leads ranges from €35 to over €180.

Why are qualified real estate leads so expensive?
Real estate transactions involve large sums of money, which justifies the cost of qualified leads ranging from €30 to over €350.

Which sectors have the lowest qualified lead costs?
The B2C insurance and B2C telecommunications sectors generally have the lowest qualified lead costs, ranging from €7 to €50.